Music is a journey without end....


Jasmina Kulaglich, piano

 Lev Maslovsky, violin

 Igor Kiritchenko, cello 


Astor Piazzolla : La Muerte del Angel (excerpt)

Three nationalities in this very slavonic trio !

Jasmina Kulaglich Lev Maslovsky Igor Kiritchenko
Photo : Marie Sophie Leturcq


A young ensemble of experienced musicians !


A Parisian group of musicians from Serbia, Russia, Ukraine,

founders of the Tchaikovsky Quartet and Anton Quartet in Moscow,

and the Trio Botticelli in the USA



Trio Bohème Jasmina Kulaglich Lev Maslovsky Igor Kiritchenko Slavonic Trio piano violin cello tchaikovsky piazzolla


« The musicians’ subtle poetry, commitment and sincerity enchant.
An endearing album
»  ("Classica", Paris )   


«Their sensitivity and breathingdraw out the richness of the transcription,

magnificently articulated, and with a smooth sound…

                               ("Pizzicato" , Luxembourg )


« It’s indescribably beautiful… and indescribably bold… »            

                                        (Var Matin)


« A remarkable sense of oneness unites the group : the same breathing,

beautiful synchronisation, effective communities of intentions…

with the quality and commitment of the interpretation »           

 ( Bertrand Ferrier)                                            




Trio Bohème's new CD « The Seasons »

is released under the « Calliope » label



The European Premiere of Tchaikovsky’s Seasons transcribed for the trio by Alexandre Goedicke


The Four Seasons in Buenos Aires by Astor Piazzolla



Teaser : Recording of the CD « The Seasons »